We need the most loving, talented, Jesus passionate leaders to disciple our children. This is why we just don't accept every person to join the ranks of the leadership team. At Forest Lake Church we want to ensure children experience Jesus and parents have peace of mind that the adults who help out are fully devoted Christ followers (NOT PERFECT) and that the kids are safe. We require all our assigned leaders to complete a level-2 FBI background check in addition to a training and background process called Verified Volunteer

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1. Follow these instructions to go through the online training that Verified Volunteer provides.

2. Complete your background check at Verified Volunteer.


Please print and fill out this form, and return it to Pastor Jennifer Bergherm for an authorization signature for payment. On the "charge to" line, please indicate which ministry area the funds were used for. Attach your receipts to the back of the form. A check will be sent to you for reimbursement as quickly as possible.

Thank you for being supportive of Children  & Family Ministries.